Monday 8 July 2013


1. About 83 percent of prostitutes have Facebook pages

When you hit a Graph Search button for a porn star, there is a greater chance that the search directing you to the stars Facebook page. About 83 percent of the prostitutes have Facebook pages according to Columbia University sociology professor Sudhir Venkatesh. He said that the social giant has become an alternate and fitted option for prostitutes after Craigslist got rid of the “adult services” category.

Venkatesh found that only one out of every four prostitutes get regular clients from Facebook in 2008, while escort agencies provided about 31 percent.

The professor’s revelations about Facebook and prostitutes appears as a sidebar to a larger Wired report on New York City prostitutes, based on more than a decade of research. His studies began before the advent of social media, so he incorporated Facebook into the research after it was well under way.

2. Marriages are made in heaven but can break on Facebook
Facebook is getting infamous as a marriage killer- about one in five American divorces now involve Facebook, according to a new survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

Previously the reasons for the divorces use to be the tell tale signs like lipstick mark on collar or the give away text messages in mobile phones, but now, it is due to what it is called as Facebook flings- with flirty messages and photographs found on the site, that are increasingly being cited as proof of unreasonable behavior or irreconcilable differences.

A staggering 80 per cent of divorce lawyers have also reported a spike in the number of cases that use social media for evidence of cheating, according to the report. Many cases revolve around social media users who get back in touch with old flames they hadn’t heard from in many years.

Facebook was by far the biggest offender, with 66 per cent of lawyers citing it as the primary source of evidence in a divorce case. MySpace followed with 15 per cent, Twitter at 5 per cent and other choices lumped together at 14 per cent.

3. Why Facebook is all blue in color?

"Blue is the richest color for me. I can see all of blue," Zuckerberg told in an interview with New Yorker reporter Jose Antonio Vargas. Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind, so blue is the easiest color for him to see. Additionally, Facebook has always been pretty monochromatic since from the beginning he has wanted the site to remain as simple as possible. But this didn’t prevent it from being world’s largest social networking site with over a billion users. 

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